Healthy Ventures offers a wide array of options for integrating wellness. The scope and scale of service offerings are adaptable to your worksite wellness budget. Whether you are introducing worksite wellness or optimizing current initiatives, Healthy Ventures can help the business or organization achieve your wellness bottom-line goals. Our service strategy and mission is constructed with the following standards:
Technology Healthy Ventures uses cutting-edge technology to ensure efficient, accurate, and convenient service/product delivery to your company. Our accredited online tools are effective and uphold HIPAA Compliance. |
Customization All services offered are tailored to the specific wellness interests and needs of your company. Wellness services are championed when they are integrated with the existing corporate culture. |
Communication Healthy Ventures crafts its service(s) communication to sync with your corporate message and focus. Our account liaison is assigned to your business and communicates based on your preferred preferences. Email, Phone, IM, Video Conference, and In-Person. |